A Note to Paris


It was one of those days you never forget. Most everyone I know remembers exactly where he was when he heard the horrific news. I was on my way to the community showers of my dorm when a girl in my sorority said, “Did you see the news? A plane just crashed into the World Trade Center!” I can’t remember what I said but I kept walking not really sure what to make of it or whether or not to believe her. When I got back to my room, I turned on the news and watched in terror as a plane flew into the other Twin Tower. The smoke, the people running around crazy, the news reporters taking cover, it all looked like a foreign country. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I couldn’t even really process it at the time.

A terrorist attack? In America? Surely not.

I remember walking around campus that day and looking at all the passersby. We all looked like zombies. Most teachers cancelled classes that day. The university was already setting up a vigil to be held that night for those that lost their lives in New York that day. I can’ t remember if I cried that day. I remember talking to my parents. I just remember feeling like my safe little bubble of a world had been burst wide open. It’s a terrifying feeling having your safety stripped away. Not knowing when or where the next attack will be. Not feeling like the government that’s supposed to protect your country is doing it’s job. No, none of these are good feelings.


We will not soon forget what it’s like to have terrorists attack our country. We sympathize with you and pray for your healing. We understand what it’s like to see evil with our own eyes. We have been vulnerable to evil when it took people we love away from us. Evil wants to steal, kill, and destroy us. Evil has no idea what he’s up against. Evil will answer to a mighty God who doesn't take sin lightly. Don't be overcome by fear, dear friends, be confident that the God you serve is just and holy. He sees everything under the sun and in His timing He will somehow make something good come from these awful events.

The thing about evil and injustice is that while it takes away parts of us, other parts become stronger to compensate for the loss. I’ve never seen our country more united than after those terrorist attacks. I’ve never seen more people lifting up others in prayer than when 9/11 happened. Sweet Paris, I hope this is your story too. I hope the world is rallying around you in prayer and petition before the Lord. I know the people of America are. We stand with you, knowing that God can bring beauty from ashes. He loves you, Paris, and His Word says He is close to the brokenhearted. Draw near, Paris, He’s waiting for you. Trust that God will bring justice in His own time. Evil will pay for what it’s done. Love will win. This is not the end of you.


Your friends in America


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