I Need a Favor...

Sweet friends, It dawned on me the other day that I have been chugging along on this little blog for a whole year. A YEAR!! I know a year doesn't seem like a long time to some but for me this is a feat of great proportion. It means I did the thing that scared me for a year. Sometimes were more consistent than others (cough, cough, summer), but overall it was a regular thing I did.

You guys have been beyond sweet to me this year. So many of you texted/emailed/called to encourage me and I am so grateful for you. I get that we don't always take the time to speak kind words to others because we get busy or forget so for those of you who did, thank you. Thank you for being intentional and making me feel seen and known.

For the last year, you all have been reading my ramblings with very few complaints. Now that I'm a year in, I feel a tad selfish only writing about what I want to write about. So this is where you come in. In the Comments section at the top left of the blog, tell me what you as a reader want to read about. Are there topics you wish I touched on more? Topics you wish I would quit writing about? I want to know! How can I continue to engage you if I don't know what you want? In the words of Jerry Maguire: "Help me help you." I need your feedback so don't be shy! Thanks in advance, guys!


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